
Recent Legislation


Senate Bill 513: Eliminates driver’s license suspensions for failure to pay traffic-related fines and fees

House Bill 1900: Futthers bail bond transparency by requiring the Administrative Office of the Courts to report out bail data

House Bill 1604: Eliminates drug paraphernalia stacking, ensuring that individuals would not receive long sentences when they possessed both controlled substances and paraphernalia.

House Bill 1329: Expands expungement eligibility by removing incarceration as a condition to preclude incarceration.

House Bill 1256: Shortens the timeline before drug offenses would qualify for expungement.

House Bill 1470: Eliminates the practice of shackling for women in correctional settings. 


Senate Bill 308: The Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2019, establishes stronger due process protections by requiring a criminal conviction before property can be forfeited by the state.

House Bill 1523: Limits shackling of pregnant and postpartum incarcerated people, and requires detention and correctional facilities develop standards for sufficient feminine hygiene products, among other changes.