City & State New York: It's time for menstrual equity

It’s a policy that both sides of the aisle are behind. New polling research out by the Justice Action Network, a criminal justice reform advocacy organization, shows that a whopping 90 percent of voters agree that providing menstrual products in prisons is a necessary reform, crossing partisan lines (85 percent of Republicans, 91 percent of independents, and 94 percent of Democrats).

Despite all this progress and popular support, though, all too often the experience in Arizona is what makes headlines. It is simply not acceptable for the bodies and lives of women and girls to be treated as the exception, not the rule. The inevitable result: Even basic necessities like menstrual products are considered outside of the scope of what our laws provide. (Don’t forget, free toilet paper is a given!)


The Christian Post: Are Women Prisoners Being Left Behind in Criminal Justice Reform?


The Hill: Holly Harris:: The American people have spoken: Reform our criminal justice system